Skin-to-skin time

Skin-to-skin time means holding your baby naked or dressed only in a nappy against your skin, usually under your top or under a blanket. It is a very special time that lays the foundations for strong parent-baby relationships. You are encouraged to do this immediately after your baby is born, or as soon as it is safe to do so. It is recommended that a baby has skin-to-skin time with their mother/birthing parent first, but fathers/non-birthing parents can also enjoy skin-to-skin time later.

Skin-to-skin time with your baby:

  • provides warmth, comfort, and closeness for both of you.
  • encourages their natural feeding reflexes.
  • stimulates milk production.
  • helps you to bond with your baby.
  • soothes and comforts your baby at any time.
  • helps to regulate their heart rate, breathing and temperature.
  • helps to protect them from infection.

For more information about skin-to-skin time, please visit:

Skin-to-skin contact |

Your midwife will show you how to position your baby safely during skin-to-skin time and check your baby is well. It is important you feel confident to share your concerns and to call for help at any time. This is also a really good time to speak to your midwife about safe sleep for babies.

For more information about safe sleep for babies, please visit:

Going home with your baby |

Safer Sleep Advice |

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