Croup is a common childhood illness that can cause a distinctive, bark-like cough. It can also cause difficulty breathing which can be frightening for both you and your child.
Croup (also called laryngotracheobronchitis) can be caused by several viruses which affect the airways including the voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea) and lungs (the bronchi) causing them to swell and become narrower. It usually affects babies and young children between the ages of one and three years old. Some children have croup two or more times in their childhood.
Your child may have:
This guidance is written by healthcare professionals from across Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight.
If your child has any of the following:
Go to the nearest Hospital Emergency (A&E) Department or phone 999
Please ring your GP surgery or call NHS 111 - dial 111
If none of the features in the red or amber boxes above are present
Continue providing your child’s care at home. If you are still concerned about your child, call NHS 111 – dial 111