Last update: 05.04.2024
New Pathways
Chronic Abdominal Pain pathway and Urticaria pathway.
New Safety Netting Documents
To go along with the new Urticaria Pathway, we have also developed safety netting documents for both Acute and Chronic Urticaria.
Primary Care Accreditation
Over the past few months, we have been developing our Healthier Together Primary Care Accreditation Process. This means that GP Practices and/or Primary Care Networks can gain either Silver or Gold Healthier Together Accreditation. This is completed by demonstrating use of the materials and resources that are available for parents/carers, young people and professionals in order to improve healthcare outcomes for children and young people. More information about this process can be found here.
New Young People Pages
In partnership with other Healthier Together sites around the UK, we have added some new pages to help young people navigate the world of being a teenager and taking a little more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing: