(Gastroenteritis) - Advice for parents and carers of children
Working hard to breathe, drawing in of the muscles below the ribs, or noisy breathing (grunting)
Breathing that stops or pauses
Is pale, blue, mottled or feels unusually cold to touch
Difficult to wake up, very sleepy or confused
Weak, high-pitched cry or can’t be settled
Has a fit (seizure)
please phone 999 or go to the nearest Hospital Emergency (A&E) Department
Please ring your GP surgery or contact NHS 111 - dial 111 or for children aged 5 years and above visit 111.nhs.uk
● Watch them closely for any change and look out for any red or amber symptoms
● Additional advice is also available for families for help cope with crying in otherwise well babies
● If your child has a long term condition or disability and you are worried please contact your regular team or follow any plans that they have given you.
Using the advice below you can provide the care your child needs at home
Once your child is rehydrated and no longer vomiting:
You and/or your child should wash your hands with soap (liquid if possible) in warm running water and then dry them carefully:
Your child should not:
This guidance is written by healthcare professionals from across Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight.