Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth

Main Switchboard:
023 9228 6000

Paediatric advice

  • Monday to Friday 10.00–17.30 :
    Paediatric consultant - (bleep 1083)
  • Out of hours and weekends
    Paediatric registrar (bleep 1300).

Paediatric Dietitian

Paediatric Referrals

  • Monday to Friday 10.00–15.00
    Paediatric consultant - (bleep 1083)
  • Out of hours and weekends
    Paediatric SHO (bleep 0056).

Surgical Referrals under 5 years of age

  • Monday to Friday 10.00–15.00:
    Paediatric consultant - (bleep 1083)
  • Outof hours and weekends
  • Paediatric SHO (bleep 0056).

Surgical referrals ≥ 5 years of age

  • Surgical registrar (bleep 1055).
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