Diabetes prior to pregnancy

Most women with diabetes will have healthy babies. However, you are more at risk of certain complications developing during your pregnancy if your diabetes is poorly managed.


What can you do before you get pregnant?

The good news is that by planning ahead and getting support from your GP and diabetes team, you can really reduce the risks involved. Which also means that you’re more likely to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Your doctor or nurse will prescribe you a high-dose folic acid (5mg) to take as soon as you decide you want to get pregnant. You should be taking folic acid 5mgs each day at least 12 weeks before you conceive as this also reduces the risks to your baby. You’ll then need to keep taking this until you’re 12 weeks pregnant.

What does this mean for your pregnancy?

Your midwife will discuss your medical history with you at your booking appointment. They will then discuss with you whether you require care that is shared between you, your midwife and the obstetric team (Doctors who specialise in care during pregnancy and birth).

Pregnancy can make some diabetes complications worse, such as eye and kidney problems. So it’s really important to have eye screening and tests for your kidneys before you stop using contraception. Eye problems due to diabetes (diabetic retinopathy) can be treated if caught early, so screening is important.

Your diabetes team can arrange this, and they’ll talk to you about the results. In some cases, you may be referred to a specialist team for extra support.

What happens after your pregnancy?

After pregnancy and birth you care will return to your GP and/or Specialist for management of your condition. Please confirm with your GP/ Specialist before starting or stopping any medication post pregnancy.

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