Care for your medical condition may be managed between you and your GP or with a specialist. If you are planning a pregnancy, you may want to discuss this with your GP or specialist so you can prepare for pregnancy. Do not start or stop any medications without consulting with your GP.
Ideally, you should talk to your GP or specialist cardiac doctor if you’re planning on getting pregnant since it may be helpful to optimise your health or adjust medication before trying.
Your midwife will discuss your medical history with you at your booking appointment. They will then discuss with you whether you require care that is shared between you, your midwife and the obstetric team (Doctors who specialise in care during pregnancy and birth).
If you have a congenital heart defect, your midwife will refer you to an obstetrician. You will also have a cardiologist involved in planning your care. You are usually advised to deliver in a maternity hospital, rather than birth centre.
If you have had previous heart surgery, you may require close follow up during your pregnancy. For women living in Wessex (Dorset, Hampshire & IOW) with more complicated problems, a regional service is provided in the form of a clinic organised jointly by cardiologists and obstetricians, at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton. Your obstetrician, cardiologist or GP can refer you there. Even if you are normally fit and well, pregnancy requires your heart to work harder. If you were born with a heart abnormality that affects how well your heart works, there is a potential for problems to arise.
Congenital heart disease can affect your baby in a number of ways. Babies may be smaller if the mother's heart does not pump as efficiently as it should and delivers less oxygen and nutrients to the placenta and developing baby. In addition, your baby has an increased risk of having congenital heart disease. Your obstetrician may arrange for you to have additional ultrasound scans and you will be seen regularly by your midwife.
After pregnancy and birth you care will return to your GP and/or Specialist for management of your condition. Please confirm with your GP/ Specialist before starting or stopping any medication post pregnancy.
Heart Foundation Home - Somerville Heart Foundation (
Heart disease in pregnancy - Congenital heart disease in pregnancy - NHS (