Bleeding and clotting disorders in pregnancy

Blood clot.pngBlood disorders are common conditions which can affect your pregnancy. These disorders include conditions affecting clotting , which can mean in increased risk of bleeding or an increased risk of having a blood clot. Other blood disorders affect your red blood cells (such as sickle cell or thalassaemia) or platelets (which help your body prevent bleeding). You may have a pre-existing blood disorder or be diagnosed with one during pregnancy. Changes to your body during pregnancy, childbirth and after birth can have different impacts depending on the blood condition you have.

What should you do before you get pregnant?

Talk to your GP or specialist haematology team if you’re planning to get pregnant as it may be helpful to discuss the possible risks and address any health concerns as well as reviewing medication before you try to get pregnant. If you did not plan your pregnancy, it’s important to let your specialist team know you are pregnant and self-refer to your local maternity service.

What does this mean for your pregnancy?

If you have a blood disorder your midwife will refer you to an obstetrician (a doctor who specialises in pregnancy and birth). There may also be a haematologist and haematology nurse specialist involved in planning your care. For some disorders for women living in Dorset, Salisbury and Hampshire, your care may be shared with your local team and staff based at Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton. An individual plan will be made with you and include a plan for pregnancy, labour and birth and care of you and your baby.

What happens after your pregnancy?

After pregnancy and birth you care will return to your GP and/or Specialist for management of your condition. Please confirm with your GP/ Specialist before starting or stopping any medication post pregnancy.

For more information about bleeding and clotting disorders in pregnancy visit link(s) below’

Low Molecular Weight Heparin

LMWH leaflet

How to give low molecular weight heparin - please see the video here


Beta Thalassaemia and pregnancy information Beta thalassaemia and pregnancy | RCOG

Thalassemia and pregnancy information- UK Thalassaemia Association Pregnancy in thalassaemia - UKTS

The Haemophilia Society- pregnancy and birth- von Willebrand Disorder Pregnancy and birth – von Willebrand Disorder | The Haemophilia Society

Bleeding disorders- pregnancy and childbirth Bleeding Disorders – Pregnancy and Childbirth | The Haemophilia Society

Haemophilia- pregnancy and childbirth Haemophilia – Pregnancy and Childbirth | The Haemophilia Society

Sickle cell and pregnancy information Sickle cell disease and pregnancy | RCOG

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