If you have asthma, it's hard to predict whether your asthma symptoms will be any different in pregnancy. Some women's symptoms will improve, others may not see any change and some will find they get worse.


What should you do before you get pregnant?

Care for your medical condition may be managed between you and your GP or with a specialist. If you are planning a pregnancy, you may want to discuss this with your GP or specialist so you can prepare for pregnancy. Do not start or stop any medications without consulting with your GP.

What does this mean for your pregnancy?

Your midwife will discuss your medical history with you at your booking appointment. They will then discuss with you whether you require care that is shared between you, your midwife and the obstetric team (Doctors who specialise in care during pregnancy and birth).

There are things you can do to help manage your condition during pregnancy, such as:

  • Use your preventer inhaler (steroid inhaler) regularly and with good technique. There are some helpful videos that show you how to use your inhalers properly on the Asthma and Lung UK website.
  • If you smoke, try to cut down or stop and avoid exposure to second hand smoke. Your midwife can refer you to free support to help you stop smoking.
  • Avoid things that trigger your asthma symptoms – for example, pet fur.
  • Control hay fever with antihistamines – talk to your local pharmacist about which antihistamines are safe to take in pregnancy
  • Avoid hay fever triggers, such as mowing the lawn
  • Continue to exercise and eat a healthy diet
  • Make sure you have the flu vaccine offered during pregnancy

What happens after your pregnancy?

After pregnancy and birth you care will return to your GP and/or Specialist for management of your condition. Please confirm with your GP/ Specialist before starting or stopping any medication post pregnancy.

For more information about Asthma in Pregnancy visit link(s) below

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