Vaginal Discharge (20 weeks and over)

It is normal to have more vaginal discharge in pregnancy than usual. This helps prevent any infections travelling up from the vagina to the womb. The discharge is usually thin, clear or milky and doesn’t smell.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases further. In the last week or so of pregnancy, it may contain streaks of sticky, jelly-like blood stained mucus. This is called a "show", and happens when the mucus that's been present in your cervix during pregnancy comes away. It's a sign that your body is starting to prepare for birth. You may have a few small "shows" in the days before you go into labour. (link to am I in labour). If you think your waters may have broken please navigate to “water broken”.

Sexual Health Services

Check if you need advice from a Health professional

Do you have any of the following symptoms after unprotected sex with a new partner, or do you think you may have an STI (sexually transmitted infection) 

  • Blisters or sores around your genitals
  • Discharge that appears “frothy” 
  • Yellow or green discharge
  • Vaginal discharge and pain when going for a wee

Check if you need advice from a Health Professional

If you have not recently changed sexual partner, are not concerned you have an STI and you have any of the following

  • White, grey discharge with a “fishy smell”
  • Yellow or green discharge
  • Vaginal discharge and pain when going for a wee

Thin, clear or milky discharge with no smell is normal during pregnancy.

A thick, white discharge (like cottage cheese) may be due to thrush. It doesn’t usually smell and can cause irritation or itching around your vagina. Thrush is not sexually transmitted and is more common in pregnancy. Thrush is not harmful to unborn babies. Speak to your pharmacist about over-the-counter remedies.

You can help prevent thrush by wearing loose cotton underwear. You may find it helps to avoid perfumed soap or perfumed bath products.

A blood stained, or clear mucus around the time of your due date is called a “show” and is a sign you body is preparing for the birth, (although not a sign it will happened straight away).

If you are still worried contact a health professional by navigating to the Amber section. 

Please let your community midwife know at your next appointment.

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