
Thank you to all the members of our Steering Group who gave their valuable time and input to this initiative:

Chris Anderson

Consultant Paediatrician - Salisbury General Hospital

Sebastien Austin Consultant Paediatrician - Portsmouth Hospital
Jason Barling

Paediatric Emergency Department Consultant, Southampton

Rosie Barber Project Manager, Simon Says (in Partnership with Healthier Together), Early Intervention and Prevention Mental Health Resources for Young People
Margaret Beattie Associate Director Maternity & Early Years, Hampshire and IoW CCG Partnership
Emma Blake

General Paediatric and Paediatric Mental Health Consultant

Penina Caswell Children's Commissioner, Dorset CCG
Donna Chapman

Associate Director, Integrated Commissioning Unit, Southampton City CCG

Debbie Chase

Consultant in Public Health, Southampton City Council

Marianne Chentoufi Implementation Project Office Manager, South Central Ambulance Service
Claire Currie Consultant in Public Health, Portsmouth City Council
Deborah Crockford Chief Officer, Community Pharmacy South Central
Suzanne Cunningham

Consultant midwife, UHS

Alison Day Associate Director Complex Care, Hampshire and IoW CCG Partnership
Tim Davis Associate Director CAMHS, Hampshire and IoW CCG Partnership
Magdy El-Gahary Academic GP, Shirley Health Partnership, Southampton
Roland Fowler Clinical Director for Children and Families, West Hampshire CCG
Elaine Gault Quality Improvement Lead, Wessex Clinical Network, NHS England
Kaylee Godfrey

Head of Partnership Communications and Engagement, HIOW Partnership

Ralph Harding Locality Manager IUC and 111 Services, South Central Ambulance Service
Hugh Janes

North East Hants & Farnham CCG Lead

Jeanette Keyte Programme Manager, Children's Services, Portsmouth CCG
Karen Kirkham

National Clinical Adviser for Primary Care, NHS England

Claire Lawrenson Programme Lead, Children's Services, Dorset CCG
Amanda Lees Senior Researcher, Health and Wellbeing Research Group, University of Winchester
Phil Lovegrove

Commissioner with the Southampton Integrated Commissioning Unit (ICU)

Stuart McDowell Commissioning Project Manager, Health and Care Portsmouth
Angela Murphy

Associate Director Children and Maternity Commissioning - Hampshire

Phil Parslow

Consultant Paediatrician - Dorset County Hospital

Robert Pears PHE Local AUthority Representative - Hampshire
Vicki Pennal 0-19 Project Lead Health Visiting & School Nursing Solent NHS Trust
Matthew Powell Associate Director SEND/DCO, Hampshire and IoW CCG Partnership
Claire Robinson Operations Director West, Child & Family Services, Solent NHS Trust
Helen Rutkowska

Consultant Paediatrician - Southampton Childrens Hospital

Julian Sandell

Consultant Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Poole

Susan Tatsinkou Head of Nursing, Children and Families Business Unit, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Ginny Taylor

Head of Children and Family Services Southern Health Trust

Nick Ward

Consultant Paediatrician - Basingstoke Hospital

Jenny Walsh Wessex Clinical Lead for Perinatal Mental Health
Nigel Watson

Chief Executive Wessex LMCs

Liz Winburn

Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Basingstoke CAMHS

Tim Wright

Medical Director Portsmouth Health Ltd (HDOCS) OOH GP provider: Fareham & Gosport / SE Hants / Portsmouth / Southampton City / W Hants CCG

Isobel Wroe Programme Director, Integrated Urgent, South Central Ambulance Service
Martha Wyles

Consultant Paediatrician - Royal Hampshire County Hospital

We would like to thank our neighbouring regional colleagues who have collaborated with us and whose visions are so aligned to our own:

Tim Fooks Clinical Lead CYP Commissioning, West Sussex CCG
Christine Mcdermott Children and Young People Urgent Care Project Manager, West Sussex CCG
Lorraine Mulroney Quality Improvement Lead - Children and Young People South East Coast Strategic Clinical Networks

Richard Harris South West Maternity and Children's Strategic Clnical Network Manager

We would like to thank everyone involved who has contributed to this initiative, but especially the parents, carers and young people of Wessex.

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